Thursday, February 22, 2007


Current mood: I am Jack's Sociopathic Social Games

Bullshit isn't right but it's the first word that comes to mind.

Have a little fun with your subconscious. Take a piece of paper, and write this down.

First choose a color.
Now, choose three words to describe that color.
Second, choose an animal.
Choose three words to describe that color.
Third, choose an body of water.
Choose three words to describe that color.
Fourth imagine you are in a white room, with no windows or doors. How does this room feel to you?

Below are the interpretations.

According to Carl Jung, this a form of psychoanalysis. The color represents how you view yourselves. The animal represents how you view the rest of the world. The body of water is your sex life. The white room is how you feel about death.

Perhaps this is just bullshit.

Amusing isn't right, but it's the first word that comes to mind.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


There was this time that I was really bitter at the entire world. I hated everyone, and only tolerated the people I loved. It was mostly political. I don't tolerate stupid people, and I just felt everyone was incompetent and inefficient.
Then I spent an entire Saturday, sitting in the shade of a tree with a friend. He is so different from me, especially politically. But after talking to him for five hours, he unintentionally reminded me that people are people. That everyone in the world wants the same things, the only difference is how each individual gets it.

I've come to love that feeling, the feeling of being reminded that everyone is the same.

I've been reading a lot on body language, graphology, art, comas, drugs, and diaries. It's all pointing me back to one glorious conclusion. That we are all very complex, deep, emotional, and intricate things. There is no such thing as a simple human being, just an incompetent one. Everyone really is a magnificent system and the only exceptions are those that shove monkey wrenches in their own gears.

I saw the movie Bobby today. It's about the Robert F. Kennedy assassination. It was an amazing film, really something spectacular. It follows the lives of 24 characters who are working, living, or visiting a hotel. The story weaves in and out of all these people's lives similiar to Traffic, Crash, and Magnolia. It deals with racism, just like Crash, but in a different way. Crash said everyone is racist and evil, but Bobby said that racism is wrong because everyone is human. A much stronger, less aggressive point of view.

Bobby dealt with almost every possible stage of a relationship; good friendship, work, middle aged, old aged, middle-old aged, and young. And of course, in the end, all of it was meaningless, which makes the strongest point.

RFK was not in the movie, except for his propaganda speeches. I really should have hated this movie because of the politics, but I love it because it focused on the people themselves, and put the politics on a backburner. It said that people are more important than wars, or elections, or assassinations.

It reminded me of that shady feeling I got. This time, I haven't been feeling bitter to the entire world.
But love for the entire world is always a necessary reminder.